Gray Squirrel


Actual Size: Head and body 8 to 10” long; bushy tails 7.5 to 10” long.

Characteristics: Grayish to grayish-brown; white or grayish below.

Habitat: Found in woodland, suburban, as well as urban habitats. Live in the trees.


  • Capable of constructing a nest in one day.
  • May carry bacterial diseases that can spread to humans.
  • Consume roughly one and a half pounds of nuts and seeds a week.

Gray Squirrels in Anaheim

Gray squirrels – also called tree squirrels – get their name from their gray-brown coloration. These medium-sized rodents spend most of their time foraging for food or building nests in wooded areas. Gray squirrels live all across the United States and are common in forested areas, suburban communities, and large cities. In addition to nearly a pound and a half of nuts and seeds each week, these squirrels also consume tree bark, berries, and fungus. 

Gray Squirrel Habitat

Like most other squirrel species, gray squirrels thrive wherever there are trees. They build two different types of nests: leaf nests called dreys, or small dens inside of tree cavities. Gray squirrels can finish building a leafy drey in about a day, and these are usually located in the very top of a tree. While these squirrels tend to prefer living outside, they may also access homes or buildings in search of shelter. They usually stay in attics or wall voids, but can cause serious problems if they begin to gnaw on electrical wiring.

Gray Squirrel Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Gray squirrels may look cute and fluffy, but they can and will bite if they feel threatened – especially if their young are nearby. They don’t need to bite you to be dangerous, either. Accidentally coming into contact with their feces could put you at risk of contracting a bacterial disease, and their gnawing habits can spark a house fire if they get too close to the wiring in your home. If you notice signs of a gray squirrel infestation, such as sounds in the attic or nesting debris, it’s best to contact a licensed wildlife removal company. For your safety and health, we strongly advise against approaching a squirrel or nest on your own.